I recently learnt a new Word, 'Failurism'. I read it in the Book Annointed to Win by Liberty Turnipseed
From the Book:
WHAT IS FAILURISM? We’ve all failed sometime in our lives; that’s a given. We’ve all battled with making mistakes, maybe huge mistakes or poor choices. Failing is a normal part of life.
The problem is when we choose to live in that place of failing.
The reality is it’s disappointing and discouraging when we fail—although we can’t grow unless we’ve experienced failure. The problem is if we stay in disappointment and discouragement over failure, the spirit of failurism can come.
The Lord gave me: What Is Failurism? state of continually walking in past sins, mistakes, and the rejection that came from those areas where you previously failed. You live as though you will always fail and be rejected, and it becomes your way of life.” Those caught in the deceptive stronghold of failurism don’t even realize they are caught in it. When we stay in a state of failurism, we open the door to the demonic realm and allow oppressive spirits to come in and attach to us..
As a Believer of Jesus Christ, I know what My Jesus Died for
HE died so We don't have to walk in Pain Shame Rejection Condemnation
So Why Do other people think they can or have the right to Hold us to What Jesus Paid For? is it not hard enough that we sometimes hold ourselves..
Last week as i was also tempted to give my opinion to someone else I stepped back and remembered how i dislike other people's opinions/advice, Worldly advice.
I am a child of God , its me and God and only me and God!!!
As i re-thought my advice , comment ....God Laid on my heart.Prayer for others !!
We live in such a self-centered world we more interested in pointing fingers instead of extending a hand of prayer.
Man can give Advice but God Gives Us Guidance
The Greatest Gift We Can Give Each Other Is Prayer.
Respect Means - I treat you As I want to Be Treated
Respect Also means I treat you Ho you want to be treated
Respect Means I treat you AS God Wants me to Treat You!

This Is Not LOVE
This IS Not Power!
This Is Not Faith
This is Not Trust
Condemnation is Not OF GOD!!
Its OF Satan
